
Asthma impacts about 8% of Americans. While more common in children and males, there is no cure. Yet, it is entirely possible to manage asthma through proper health care, management, and treatment. 

As you might already know, asthma is characterized by breathing difficulties. With asthma, the airways of the body become inflamed, which makes it hard to take in vital oxygen needed by every cell in your body. A person with asthma may struggle to breathe, panicking and facing spasms, coughing fits, wheezing, and more. In more severe episodes, the individual may not be able to move.

While drugs are the go-to treatment, they also come with many downsides. If you’re seeking out an alternative way to manage your asthma, chiropractic care can surprisingly help. Keep reading to learn more about chiropractic care and asthma.

How Chiropractic Care for Asthma Works

Many asthmatic medications work by reducing inflammation in the airways and lungs. Yet, many individuals with asthma don’t notice changes even with medication use. This results in unexpected asthma attacks, making it difficult to go about your regular day-to-day life. One of the key reasons these medications don’t work is because they don’t address the source of the problem, which is rooted in your central nervous system.

 All the systems in your body influence one another, including your nervous system and musculoskeletal system. These structures affect how a person breathes and can play a major role in whether or not someone experiences an asthma attack. More specifically, your phrenic nerve and the corresponding muscle control your inhales and exhales. Yet, when a spinal subluxation occurs on or near this nerve, breathing performance can quickly become impacted.

 Treating these interferences around the phrenic nerve can reduce asthmatic attacks and make breathing that much easier. Turning to chiropractic care for asthma is an alternative, non-invasive, and safe approach that more and more individuals are using. If you’re ready to discover the advantages of chiropractic care, Proper Chiropractic is ready to help. Contact us today for more information or to book your appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

With Dr. Patrick and Proper Chiropractic, you can rest assured you’re in good hands. With a custom approach for each person, you can count on us to get you the care you need and deserve. Uncover the benefits of chiropractic care and book your appointment with the Proper Chiropractic team today.